Having a professional appearance is important in showing people that you provide a valuable service and will help you stand out amongst your competition and help attract great clients.
One of the simplest ways to do this is to ensure you have a business email account. It may seem small like a small thing but all of these little touches build towards increasing the value perception of your brand.
When I say business email address, I specifically mean an address that uses your domain name. For instance “joe@jb-photography.com”. This looks more professional than having a generic email address like “joe@gmail.com” or even “jbphotography@gmail.com”.
The best part is setting up a business email address is super simple (especially if you already own a website domain) and can be done in minutes.
There are 3 way you can do this, in order of setup time:
- SET UP AN EMAIL FORWARDER – If you want to keep your email where it is, you can simply set up a rule in your website hosting portal to create a business address and forward all emails over to your existing (personal) address. Job done.
- USE THE EMAIL THAT COMES WITH YOUR WEB HOSTING – Another really simple solution. Log into your web hosting portal and look for the email section. There will be instructions on how to set up and use an email account using your domain.
- USE BUSINESS CLASS EMAIL – It is worth considering a business email service and it doesn’t cost as much as you might think. The basic package for Office 365 is £3.80 and for G Suite, it’s £4.60. So both are around the price of one expensive coffee! This approach takes a little longer but still only around 10 minutes. You might need to grab a tecchy to help you with setting it up if you are unsure.
The instructions above will be slightly different depending on which hosting company you use but the process is the same.
If you get stuck, contact the company via their live chat or get in touch here if you need some help!