If you are interested in getting your website in front of as many of your clients as possible and raising your profile, getting featured on top wedding blogs can be a game-changer.
Firstly, this will generate a lot more exposure as many of these sites have a large number of visitors and this gives you a chance for them to find out about you and your awesome work.
Secondly, if you manage to get these sites to link back to your website, this will actually help improve your ranking in the Google search results. A link to your site is a bit like a vote and if you have lots of votes from other popular sites, Google will reward you and rank you higher.
So, how do you find out which are are the top Wedding Blogs in 2020? Well, Dylan Howell from the excellent SEO for Photographers group has put together a complete list of the top 100 wedding blogs to be featured in. Here is the article: The Best 100 Wedding Blogs
Dylan is located in the US, so his recommendations reflect this. Most of the blogs serve a global readership but check just to make sure. However, bear in mind that the second point regarding your Google ranking is very relevant and so being featured on these blogs is still a great way of ranking higher in the search results regardless.
For photographers based in the UK (or elsewhere in the world), if you want to find out top wedding blogs for your country, just ask Google! It sounds simple but by searching “best wedding blog” you will get a list of results of blogs that Google deems to be the best – in priority order!
If you would rather not look yourself, here is a list of 10 of the top UK wedding blogs in 2020:
- Etsy https://blog.etsy.com/en/category/weddings/
- Love my Dress lovemydress.net
- Rock my Wedding rockmywedding.co.uk
- Wedding Bee weddingbee.com/blogs
- Rock n Roll Bride https://www.rocknrollbride.com/
- Whimsical Wonderland Weddings https://whimsicalwonderlandweddings.com/
- Boho Weddings https://www.boho-weddings.com/
- Bespoke Bride https://www.bespoke-bride.com/
- B.Loved https://blovedblog.com/
- Want That Wedding https://www.wantthatwedding.co.uk/
How to get listed on the top wedding blogs
Once you have your list of blogs that you want to be featured on, the next stage is to reach out to them.
- At the initial stage, we are going to assume you already have a professional website including an online portfolio. Check this is displaying correctly in all of the major browsers and on different devices (PC/Mac, iPad, phone etc.) You want to make a good first impression.
- Go to the contact section of the blog. There should be a contact form or link for submission.
- Make your case for submission. Sell yourself. Try and include as many trust indicators as you can (years worked, industry awards etc). You will likely need to submit a particular wedding you worked for inclusion. Think carefully of examples that are unique, inspirational and showcase your best work. Remember, the blogs want to showcase weddings that have the “wow” factor as their goal is web traffic and social shares. An interesting point made in Dylan’s article is to ensure that some portrait-oriented images are included as these are better suited for sharing on social media.
- After submission, don’t forget to chase up if you don’t hear back. Be persistent without being annoying.